Calumet® Totem – Holzpfeife mit Aktivkohlefilter – Made in Germany


Wir präsentieren die Totem Pfeife, ein beeindruckendes 37 cm langes Meisterwerk von Calumet Spiritpipes®, das ein außergewöhnliches Raucherlebnis mit 8mm Aktivkohlefilter und passendem Sieb bietet.

Inklusive Sieb und 10x 8mm Aktivkohlefilter.


Introducing our newest creation, the Totem pipe – a bold and eye-catching masterpiece designed to stand out. With an impressive length of 37cm and a height of 12cm, this pipe commands attention and promises an extraordinary smoking experience. Crafted with precision, the Totem comes equipped with an 8mm activated charcoal filter and a perfectly fitted screen for the bowl.

Proudly made by Calumet Spiritpipes®, this pipe blends functionality with a striking design, making it a must-have for any collection. Whether you’re at home or with friends, the Totem is sure to be a conversation starter.

Take your smoking ritual to the next level with the Totem pipe!

Gewicht 1,5 kg
Größe 37 × 12 × 7 cm

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